What is a Caffè Mocha?
You’ve seen it listed on the menu at cafes, but what is a mocha? Often called a mocha latte, mocha is essentially a chocolate-flavored latte. While you might associate mocha coffee with those aforementioned cafes, making your own mocha at home is so much more fun—and it’s pretty easy, too. Before you get started, read our best tips for making mocha at home. If you want to know more about espresso coffee, read here.
What is the recipe for a Caffè Mocha?
1/3 espresso, 1/6 cocoa, 1/3 milk, 1/6 foam. Cocoa is the first layer, and then you pull the double espresso shot. Then steam the milk to the consistency of a cafe latte. La Colombe cafe mocha is unique because they use an unsweetened chocolate. Again, this drink is pulled with a double ristretto.
How much caffeine is contained in a Caffè Mocha?
Depending on the type of beans you choose and the roasting temperature, the caffeine in an espresso can range from 80mg to 120mg per single shot.
What you What do I need to make a Caffè Mocha?
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