What is a Cappuccino?
Cappuccinos are always served hot. (Please don’t make an iced cappuccino. I beg you.) If you ask for an ice cappuccino at a bar you will definitely get a weird look from a barista and most likely get a comment along the lines of, “You mean an iced latte?” The key to this drink is that the milk is aerated so that there’s some foam chilling on top of the steamed milk. If you want to know more about espresso coffee, read here.
What is the recipe for a Cappuccino?
This is my favorite drink because I love sipping on the sweet layer of foam that won’t burn your tongue in the lovely way that hot coffee tends to do. Made in thirds — 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, 1/3 foam. This is a very traditional way of making cappuccino. The milk should appear glassy, smooth, shiny and with no visible bubbles. The milk and foam should be blended or mixed to create a thick, creamy texture.
How much caffeine is contained in a Cappuccino?
Depending on the type of beans you choose and the roasting temperature, the caffeine in an espresso can range from 80mg to 120mg per single shot.
What do I need to make an Cappuccino?
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