How to make a Cappuccino

A Step By Step Guide 

Want a perfect cappuccino? Simply head to the Tazza D’Oro outside of the Pantheon in Rome and… oh, wait. We know not all of you have quaint Italian cafes within walking distance. That’s why we created Son of a Barista. And although you might be under the impression you can’t make a perfect cappuccino at home, we’re here to debunk the myth that cappuccino’s silky magic is beyond the grasp of home baristas. 

Do you have to perfect the timing of the pulled shot, that precise, and delicate dance with the espresso lever? No. The truth is that great cappuccino is a delight available to discerning coffee lovers, right in the comfort of your own homes. You’ll want a Son of a Barista coffee machine, and of course your favorite Son of a Barista coffee pod. Then you’ll use one of our unique milk, or almond milk pods, as your foundation.

What is a Cappuccino

A cappuccino is a milk and coffee drink made using a Son of a Barista coffee machine. A traditional cappuccino contains 25 milliliters (0.8 oz) of espresso coffee and 100 milliliters (3.3 oz) of steam-foamed milk. Some cappuccino recipes call for equal parts espresso, hot milk, and foam. Cappuccinos have more milk than some other espresso drinks, such as a macchiato, cortado, or flat white, but less milk than a caffè latte.

The right equipment to make Cappuccino

Perhaps one of the reasons people think it’s hard to make cappuccino at home is because in North America, this frothy hot beverage has only been around for the past few decades. It wasn’t until the 1930s that Cappuccinos became really popular in the States. 

In Europe, cappuccino has been around for hundreds of years, and of course the cappuccino recipe has been refined and perfected during that time. Hot cappuccino as we know it today has been around since the 1900s and was first made in Italy, after the espresso machines were invented. 

Early espresso machines were extremely bulky, heavy, and expensive, so only trained professionals could use them. Over time, espresso machines became simpler to use and the design was improved and refined. Once these machines became more accessible, more and more restaurants began serving espressos, lattes and cappuccinos, at any time of day. 

It’s incredibly important to have the proper machine with which to make your cappuccino. Son of a Barista’s new coffee machine is designed to satisfy the palate of the pickiest Italian. Our Made in Italy water pump pushes water at a 19 bar pressure. The perfect pressure for espresso. The  water heater built in our machine is set to keep the water at a constant temperature of 93°C (199.4°F) – the exact temperature needed to extract the caffeine without ruining the coffee.

Origins of the Cappuccino 

Italian friars provided the inspiration for one of the world’s most beloved coffee drinks.

The name “cappuccino” may have been inspired by the Capuchin friars, an order of Franciscan monks founded in sixteenth-century Italy. The Capuchins wore brown robes with long habits called cappucios—the ensemble resembled espresso mixed with milk.

The Capuchin friars are members of the larger Franciscan orders of monks, and their order was founded in the 16th century in Italy. They were renowned for their missionary work among the poor, as well as their dedication to extreme austerity, poverty, and simplicity. 

The Austrians were the first to use the word “cappuccino” (“kapuziner” in German) to describe a coffee beverage. Kapuziner is an Austrian drink of coffee with whipped cream that made its way from Vienna coffee houses back to Italian coffee shops, where it was transformed with espresso and frothed milk upon the invention of the espresso machine.

Many of the terms for coffee drinks come to us from Italian, where they are terms of utility. Espresso comes from the Italian word that means “pressed-out,” which explains how the coffee drink is made; macchiato is short for “caffe macchiato,” which means “coffee with a spot (of milk).” 

Cappuccino vs. Latte. What’s the difference

Simply put, a cappuccino contains less milk than a latte. Both drinks start with a single or double shot of espresso, to which steamed milk is added. Cappuccinos are traditionally made in 160-milliliter (about 5.4-ounce) cups. Lattes are served in much larger cups (at least 8 ounces), meaning they contain about twice the amount of milk—or more. In addition, lattes feature a thin layer of microfoam that can make latte art.

How to make a Cappuccino in 6 steps 

Step 1

Get your coffee pod: 

Get your favorite Son of a Baritsa coffee pod ready. We have 4 different kinds to choose from so you’re guaranteed to find one that’s for you! 

Try our Puro coffee pod. A single origin coffee pod using only 100% Arabica from Sidamo Ethiopia. Our single sourced Ethiopian coffee has a strong aroma, thick crema and notes of chocolate.

If you want to try a blend you can try our Cremoso coffee pod. Our Son of a Barista Cremoso coffee pod is a blend of 50% Arabica from Colombia and 50% Robusta from Vietnam. Our Cremoso coffee pod is the typical blend you would sip in a bar on the streets of Italy. This blend has a delicate taste with a strong caffeine kick.

If caffeine is not what you’re looking for and only want to enjoy the taste and creaminess of a cappuccino, you can use our Son of a Barista Cremoso Decaf coffee pod. Our Son of a Barista Cremoso Decaf coffee pod is a blend of 50% Arabica from Colombia and 50% Robusta from Vietnam. This coffee pod has the same taste as our Son of a Barista Cremoso coffee pod with no caffeine. 

Last but not least you can try making your steaming hot and creamy cappuccino using our Son of a Barista Aromatico coffee pod. Aromatico is a blend of 50% Arabica from Colombia and 50% Arabica from Ethiopia. This blend is 100% Arabica from two different plantations, balanced to smooth the initial taste of Arabica while delivering the perfect after taste.

Step 2

Get your milk pod: 

Get your favorite Son of a Barista milk pod ready. We have Regular Milk and our new Almond Milk Pod on stand by for you to make your cappuccino.

Step 3

Prepare the cup: 

You will need a cappuccino cup from which to drink your cappuccino. A proper cappuccino cup is 5.5. oz (160-milliliter). Once you have your cappuccino cup, for maximum enjoyment, you will need to prewarm the cup by pouring boiling water into it. 

Coffee served in cold porcelain cups offers a taste experience of inferior quality. The smaller the portion, the more important it is to use a prewarmed cup. The cold porcelain instantly takes away heat from the hot, freshly prepared coffee, reducing its temperature by up to 10°, and makes it cool faster. If you add cold cream and sugar to your espresso, and stir it with a cold spoon, the temperature falls by another 10°C, and it will be much less of a pleasure to drink. 

In addition, the delightful coffee aroma is inhibited from developing and the coffee will have a less intense fragrance than if served in a prewarmed cup. A warm cup will also retain the crema for longer.

Step 4

Pull a shot of espresso: 

Place your favorite coffee pod in your Son of a Barista coffee machine and press either the small button for a single shot of espresso or the big button for a double shot of espresso.

Step 5

Steam the milk: 

Place your favorite milk pod or almond milk pod in your Son of a Barista coffee machine. Hold the button down until the milk and foam make up 2/3 of the espresso already in your cup. 

Step 6


Lean back and pretend that you are in Italy! Serve your cappuccino immediately and enjoy a delicious Son of a Barista cappuccino in your own home!

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